Source code for meilisearch.index

from __future__ import annotations

from datetime import datetime
from typing import (
from urllib import parse
from warnings import warn

from camel_converter import to_snake

from meilisearch._httprequests import HttpRequests
from meilisearch._utils import iso_to_date_time
from meilisearch.config import Config
from meilisearch.errors import version_error_hint_message
from meilisearch.models.document import Document, DocumentsResults
from meilisearch.models.index import (
from meilisearch.models.task import Task, TaskInfo, TaskResults
from meilisearch.task import TaskHandler

    from json import JSONEncoder

# pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods, too-many-lines
[docs] class Index: """ Indexes routes wrapper. Index class gives access to all indexes routes and child routes (inherited). """ def __init__( self, config: Config, uid: str, primary_key: Optional[str] = None, created_at: Optional[Union[datetime, str]] = None, updated_at: Optional[Union[datetime, str]] = None, ) -> None: """ Parameters ---------- config: Config object containing permission and location of Meilisearch. uid: UID of the index on which to perform the index actions. primary_key: Primary-key of the index. """ self.config = config self.http = HttpRequests(config) self.task_handler = TaskHandler(config) self.uid = uid self.primary_key = primary_key self.created_at = iso_to_date_time(created_at) self.updated_at = iso_to_date_time(updated_at)
[docs] def delete(self) -> TaskInfo: """Delete the index. Returns ------- task_info: TaskInfo instance containing information about a task to track the progress of an asynchronous process. Raises ------ MeilisearchApiError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ task = self.http.delete(f"{self.config.paths.index}/{self.uid}") return TaskInfo(**task)
[docs] def update(self, primary_key: str) -> TaskInfo: """Update the index primary-key. Parameters ---------- primary_key: The primary key to use for the index. Returns ------- task_info: TaskInfo instance containing information about a task to track the progress of an asynchronous process. Raises ------ MeilisearchApiError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ payload = {"primaryKey": primary_key} task = self.http.patch(f"{self.config.paths.index}/{self.uid}", payload) return TaskInfo(**task)
[docs] def fetch_info(self) -> Index: """Fetch the info of the index. Raises ------ MeilisearchApiError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ index_dict = self.http.get(f"{self.config.paths.index}/{self.uid}") self.primary_key = index_dict["primaryKey"] self.created_at = iso_to_date_time(index_dict["createdAt"]) self.updated_at = iso_to_date_time(index_dict["updatedAt"]) return self
[docs] def get_primary_key(self) -> str | None: """Get the primary key. Raises ------ MeilisearchApiError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ return self.fetch_info().primary_key
[docs] @staticmethod def create(config: Config, uid: str, options: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None) -> TaskInfo: """Create the index. Parameters ---------- uid: UID of the index. options: Options passed during index creation (ex: { 'primaryKey': 'name' }). Returns ------- task_info: TaskInfo instance containing information about a task to track the progress of an asynchronous process. Raises ------ MeilisearchApiError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ if options is None: options = {} payload = {**options, "uid": uid} task = HttpRequests(config).post(config.paths.index, payload) return TaskInfo(**task)
[docs] def get_tasks(self, parameters: Optional[MutableMapping[str, Any]] = None) -> TaskResults: """Get all tasks of a specific index from the last one. Parameters ---------- parameters (optional): parameters accepted by the get tasks route: Returns ------- tasks: TaskResults instance with attributes: - from - next - limit - results : list of Task instances containing all enqueued, processing, succeeded or failed tasks of the index Raises ------ MeilisearchApiError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ if parameters is not None: parameters.setdefault("indexUids", []).append(self.uid) else: parameters = {"indexUids": [self.uid]} return self.task_handler.get_tasks(parameters=parameters)
[docs] def get_task(self, uid: int) -> Task: """Get one task through the route of a specific index. Parameters ---------- uid: identifier of the task. Returns ------- task: Task instance containing information about the processed asynchronous task of an index. Raises ------ MeilisearchApiError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ return self.task_handler.get_task(uid)
[docs] def wait_for_task( self, uid: int, timeout_in_ms: int = 5000, interval_in_ms: int = 50, ) -> Task: """Wait until Meilisearch processes a task until it fails or succeeds. Parameters ---------- uid: identifier of the task to wait for being processed. timeout_in_ms (optional): time the method should wait before raising a MeilisearchTimeoutError. interval_in_ms (optional): time interval the method should wait (sleep) between requests. Returns ------- task: Task instance containing information about the processed asynchronous task. Raises ------ MeilisearchTimeoutError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ return self.task_handler.wait_for_task(uid, timeout_in_ms, interval_in_ms)
[docs] def get_stats(self) -> IndexStats: """Get stats of the index. Get information about the number of documents, field frequencies, ... Returns ------- stats: IndexStats instance containing information about the given index. Raises ------ MeilisearchApiError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ stats = self.http.get(f"{self.config.paths.index}/{self.uid}/{self.config.paths.stat}") return IndexStats(stats)
[docs] @version_error_hint_message def search(self, query: str, opt_params: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] = None) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Search in the index. Parameters ---------- query: String containing the searched word(s) opt_params (optional): Dictionary containing optional query parameters. Note: The vector parameter is only available in Meilisearch >= v1.13.0 Returns ------- results: Dictionary with hits, offset, limit, processingTime and initial query Raises ------ MeilisearchApiError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ if opt_params is None: opt_params = {} body = {"q": query, **opt_params} return f"{self.config.paths.index}/{self.uid}/{}", body=body, )
[docs] def get_document( self, document_id: Union[str, int], parameters: Optional[MutableMapping[str, Any]] = None ) -> Document: """Get one document with given document identifier. Parameters ---------- document_id: Unique identifier of the document. parameters (optional): parameters accepted by the get document route: Returns ------- document: Document instance containing the documents information. Raises ------ MeilisearchApiError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ if parameters is None: parameters = {} elif "fields" in parameters and isinstance(parameters["fields"], list): parameters["fields"] = ",".join(parameters["fields"]) document = self.http.get( f"{self.config.paths.index}/{self.uid}/{self.config.paths.document}/{document_id}?{parse.urlencode(parameters)}" ) return Document(document)
[docs] @version_error_hint_message def get_documents( self, parameters: Optional[MutableMapping[str, Any]] = None ) -> DocumentsResults: """Get a set of documents from the index. Parameters ---------- parameters (optional): parameters accepted by the get documents route: Note: The filter parameter is only available in Meilisearch >= 1.2.0. Returns ------- documents: DocumentsResults instance with attributes: - total - offset - limit - results : list of Document instances containing the documents information Raises ------ MeilisearchApiError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ if parameters is None: parameters = {} response = f"{self.config.paths.index}/{self.uid}/{self.config.paths.document}/fetch", body=parameters, ) return DocumentsResults(response)
[docs] def get_similar_documents(self, parameters: Mapping[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Get the documents similar to a document. Parameters ---------- parameters: parameters accepted by the get similar documents route: "id" and "embedder" are required. Returns ------- results: Dictionary with hits, offset, limit, processingTimeMs, and id Raises ------ MeilisearchApiError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ return f"{self.config.paths.index}/{self.uid}/{self.config.paths.similar}", body=parameters, )
[docs] def add_documents( self, documents: Sequence[Mapping[str, Any]], primary_key: Optional[str] = None, *, serializer: Optional[Type[JSONEncoder]] = None, ) -> TaskInfo: """Add documents to the index. Parameters ---------- documents: List of documents. Each document should be a dictionary. primary_key (optional): The primary-key used in index. Ignored if already set up. serializer (optional): A custom JSONEncode to handle serializing fields that the build in json.dumps cannot handle, for example UUID and datetime. Returns ------- task_info: TaskInfo instance containing information about a task to track the progress of an asynchronous process. Raises ------ MeilisearchApiError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ url = self._build_url(primary_key) add_document_task =, documents, serializer=serializer) return TaskInfo(**add_document_task)
[docs] def add_documents_in_batches( self, documents: Sequence[Mapping[str, Any]], batch_size: int = 1000, primary_key: Optional[str] = None, *, serializer: Optional[Type[JSONEncoder]] = None, ) -> List[TaskInfo]: """Add documents to the index in batches. Parameters ---------- documents: List of documents. Each document should be a dictionary. batch_size (optional): The number of documents that should be included in each batch. Default = 1000 primary_key (optional): The primary-key used in index. Ignored if already set up. serializer (optional): A custom JSONEncode to handle serializing fields that the build in json.dumps cannot handle, for example UUID and datetime. Returns ------- tasks_info: List of TaskInfo instances containing information about a task to track the progress of an asynchronous process. Raises ------ MeilisearchApiError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ tasks: List[TaskInfo] = [] for document_batch in self._batch(documents, batch_size): task = self.add_documents(document_batch, primary_key, serializer=serializer) tasks.append(task) return tasks
[docs] def add_documents_json( self, str_documents: bytes, primary_key: Optional[str] = None, *, serializer: Optional[Type[JSONEncoder]] = None, ) -> TaskInfo: """Add documents to the index from a byte-encoded JSON string. Parameters ---------- str_documents: Byte-encoded JSON string. primary_key (optional): The primary-key used in index. Ignored if already set up. serializer (optional): A custom JSONEncode to handle serializing fields that the build in json.dumps cannot handle, for example UUID and datetime. Returns ------- task_info: TaskInfo instance containing information about a task to track the progress of an asynchronous process. Raises ------ MeilisearchApiError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ return self.add_documents_raw( str_documents, primary_key, "application/json", serializer=serializer )
[docs] def add_documents_csv( self, str_documents: bytes, primary_key: Optional[str] = None, csv_delimiter: Optional[str] = None, ) -> TaskInfo: """Add documents to the index from a byte-encoded CSV string. Parameters ---------- str_documents: Byte-encoded CSV string. primary_key (optional): The primary-key used in index. Ignored if already set up. csv_delimiter: One ASCII character used to customize the delimiter for CSV. Comma used by default. Returns ------- task_info: TaskInfo instance containing information about a task to track the progress of an asynchronous process. Raises ------ MeilisearchApiError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ return self.add_documents_raw(str_documents, primary_key, "text/csv", csv_delimiter)
[docs] def add_documents_ndjson( self, str_documents: bytes, primary_key: Optional[str] = None, ) -> TaskInfo: """Add documents to the index from a byte-encoded NDJSON string. Parameters ---------- str_documents: Byte-encoded NDJSON string. primary_key (optional): The primary-key used in index. Ignored if already set up. Returns ------- task_info: TaskInfo instance containing information about a task to track the progress of an asynchronous process. Raises ------ MeilisearchApiError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ return self.add_documents_raw(str_documents, primary_key, "application/x-ndjson")
[docs] def add_documents_raw( self, str_documents: bytes, primary_key: Optional[str] = None, content_type: Optional[str] = None, csv_delimiter: Optional[str] = None, *, serializer: Optional[Type[JSONEncoder]] = None, ) -> TaskInfo: """Add documents to the index from a byte-encoded string. Parameters ---------- str_documents: Byte-encoded string. content_type: The content MIME type: 'application/json', 'application/x-dnjson', or 'text/csv'. primary_key (optional): The primary-key used in index. Ignored if already set up. csv_delimiter (optional): One ASCII character used to customize the delimiter for CSV. Note: The csv delimiter can only be used with the Content-Type text/csv. serializer (optional): A custom JSONEncode to handle serializing fields that the build in json.dumps cannot handle, for example UUID and datetime. Returns ------- task_info: TaskInfo instance containing information about a task to track the progress of an asynchronous process. Raises ------ MeilisearchApiError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ url = self._build_url(primary_key=primary_key, csv_delimiter=csv_delimiter) response =, str_documents, content_type, serializer=serializer) return TaskInfo(**response)
[docs] def update_documents( self, documents: Sequence[Mapping[str, Any]], primary_key: Optional[str] = None, *, serializer: Optional[Type[JSONEncoder]] = None, ) -> TaskInfo: """Update documents in the index. Parameters ---------- documents: List of documents. Each document should be a dictionary. primary_key (optional): The primary-key used in index. Ignored if already set up serializer (optional): A custom JSONEncode to handle serializing fields that the build in json.dumps cannot handle, for example UUID and datetime. Returns ------- task_info: TaskInfo instance containing information about a task to track the progress of an asynchronous process. Raises ------ MeilisearchApiError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ url = self._build_url(primary_key) response = self.http.put(url, documents, serializer=serializer) return TaskInfo(**response)
[docs] def update_documents_ndjson( self, str_documents: str, primary_key: Optional[str] = None, ) -> TaskInfo: """Update documents as a ndjson string in the index. Parameters ---------- str_documents: String of document from a NDJSON file. primary_key (optional): The primary-key used in index. Ignored if already set up Returns ------- task_info: TaskInfo instance containing information about a task to track the progress of an asynchronous process. Raises ------ MeilisearchApiError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ return self.update_documents_raw(str_documents, primary_key, "application/x-ndjson")
[docs] def update_documents_json( self, str_documents: str, primary_key: Optional[str] = None, *, serializer: Optional[Type[JSONEncoder]] = None, ) -> TaskInfo: """Update documents as a json string in the index. Parameters ---------- str_documents: String of document from a JSON file. primary_key (optional): The primary-key used in index. Ignored if already set up serializer (optional): A custom JSONEncode to handle serializing fields that the build in json.dumps cannot handle, for example UUID and datetime. Returns ------- task_info: TaskInfo instance containing information about a task to track the progress of an asynchronous process. Raises ------ MeilisearchApiError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ return self.update_documents_raw( str_documents, primary_key, "application/json", serializer=serializer )
[docs] def update_documents_csv( self, str_documents: str, primary_key: Optional[str] = None, csv_delimiter: Optional[str] = None, ) -> TaskInfo: """Update documents as a csv string in the index. Parameters ---------- str_documents: String of document from a CSV file. primary_key (optional): The primary-key used in index. Ignored if already set up. csv_delimiter: One ASCII character used to customize the delimiter for CSV. Comma used by default. Returns ------- task_info: TaskInfo instance containing information about a task to track the progress of an asynchronous process. Raises ------ MeilisearchApiError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ return self.update_documents_raw(str_documents, primary_key, "text/csv", csv_delimiter)
[docs] def update_documents_raw( self, str_documents: str, primary_key: Optional[str] = None, content_type: Optional[str] = None, csv_delimiter: Optional[str] = None, *, serializer: Optional[Type[JSONEncoder]] = None, ) -> TaskInfo: """Update documents as a string in the index. Parameters ---------- str_documents: String of document. primary_key (optional): The primary-key used in index. Ignored if already set up. type: The type of document. Type available: 'csv', 'json', 'jsonl' csv_delimiter: One ASCII character used to customize the delimiter for CSV. Note: The csv delimiter can only be used with the Content-Type text/csv. serializer (optional): A custom JSONEncode to handle serializing fields that the build in json.dumps cannot handle, for example UUID and datetime. Returns ------- task_info: TaskInfo instance containing information about a task to track the progress of an asynchronous process. Raises ------ MeilisearchApiError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ url = self._build_url(primary_key=primary_key, csv_delimiter=csv_delimiter) response = self.http.put(url, str_documents, content_type, serializer=serializer) return TaskInfo(**response)
[docs] def update_documents_in_batches( self, documents: Sequence[Mapping[str, Any]], batch_size: int = 1000, primary_key: Optional[str] = None, serializer: Optional[Type[JSONEncoder]] = None, ) -> List[TaskInfo]: """Update documents to the index in batches. Parameters ---------- documents: List of documents. Each document should be a dictionary. batch_size (optional): The number of documents that should be included in each batch. Default = 1000 primary_key (optional): The primary-key used in index. Ignored if already set up. serializer (optional): A custom JSONEncode to handle serializing fields that the build in json.dumps cannot handle, for example UUID and datetime. Returns ------- tasks_info: List of TaskInfo instances containing information about a task to track the progress of an asynchronous process. Raises ------ MeilisearchApiError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ tasks = [] for document_batch in self._batch(documents, batch_size): update_task = self.update_documents(document_batch, primary_key, serializer=serializer) tasks.append(update_task) return tasks
[docs] def delete_document(self, document_id: Union[str, int]) -> TaskInfo: """Delete one document from the index. Parameters ---------- document_id: Unique identifier of the document. Returns ------- task_info: TaskInfo instance containing information about a task to track the progress of an asynchronous process. Raises ------ MeilisearchApiError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ response = self.http.delete( f"{self.config.paths.index}/{self.uid}/{self.config.paths.document}/{document_id}" ) return TaskInfo(**response)
[docs] @version_error_hint_message def delete_documents( self, ids: Optional[List[Union[str, int]]] = None, *, filter: Optional[ # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin Union[str, List[Union[str, List[str]]]] ] = None, ) -> TaskInfo: """Delete multiple documents from the index by id or filter. Parameters ---------- ids: List of unique identifiers of documents. Note: using ids is depreciated and will be removed in a future version. filter: The filter value information. Returns ------- task_info: TaskInfo instance containing information about a task to track the progress of an asynchronous process. Raises ------ MeilisearchApiError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ if ids: warn( "The use of ids is depreciated and will be removed in the future", DeprecationWarning, ) response = f"{self.config.paths.index}/{self.uid}/{self.config.paths.document}/delete-batch", [str(i) for i in ids], ) else: response = f"{self.config.paths.index}/{self.uid}/{self.config.paths.document}/delete", body={"filter": filter}, ) return TaskInfo(**response)
[docs] def delete_all_documents(self) -> TaskInfo: """Delete all documents from the index. Returns ------- task_info: TaskInfo instance containing information about a task to track the progress of an asynchronous process. Raises ------ MeilisearchApiError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ response = self.http.delete( f"{self.config.paths.index}/{self.uid}/{self.config.paths.document}" ) return TaskInfo(**response)
[docs] def get_settings(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Get settings of the index. Returns ------- settings Dictionary containing the settings of the index. Raises ------ MeilisearchApiError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ settings = self.http.get( f"{self.config.paths.index}/{self.uid}/{self.config.paths.setting}" ) if settings.get("embedders"): embedders: dict[str, OpenAiEmbedder | HuggingFaceEmbedder | UserProvidedEmbedder] = {} for k, v in settings["embedders"].items(): if v.get("source") == "openAi": embedders[k] = OpenAiEmbedder(**v) elif v.get("source") == "huggingFace": embedders[k] = HuggingFaceEmbedder(**v) else: embedders[k] = UserProvidedEmbedder(**v) settings["embedders"] = embedders return settings
[docs] def update_settings(self, body: MutableMapping[str, Any]) -> TaskInfo: """Update settings of the index. Parameters ---------- body: Dictionary containing the settings of the index. More information: Returns ------- task_info: TaskInfo instance containing information about a task to track the progress of an asynchronous process. Raises ------ MeilisearchApiError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ if body.get("embedders"): for _, v in body["embedders"].items(): if "documentTemplateMaxBytes" in v and v["documentTemplateMaxBytes"] is None: del v["documentTemplateMaxBytes"] task = self.http.patch( f"{self.config.paths.index}/{self.uid}/{self.config.paths.setting}", body ) return TaskInfo(**task)
[docs] def reset_settings(self) -> TaskInfo: """Reset settings of the index to default values. Returns ------- task_info: TaskInfo instance containing information about a task to track the progress of an asynchronous process. Raises ------ MeilisearchApiError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ task = self.http.delete(f"{self.config.paths.index}/{self.uid}/{self.config.paths.setting}") return TaskInfo(**task)
[docs] def get_ranking_rules(self) -> List[str]: """Get ranking rules of the index. Returns ------- settings: list List containing the ranking rules of the index. Raises ------ MeilisearchApiError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ return self.http.get(self.__settings_url_for(self.config.paths.ranking_rules))
[docs] def update_ranking_rules(self, body: Union[List[str], None]) -> TaskInfo: """Update ranking rules of the index. Parameters ---------- body: List containing the ranking rules. Returns ------- task_info: TaskInfo instance containing information about a task to track the progress of an asynchronous process. Raises ------ MeilisearchApiError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ task = self.http.put(self.__settings_url_for(self.config.paths.ranking_rules), body) return TaskInfo(**task)
[docs] def reset_ranking_rules(self) -> TaskInfo: """Reset ranking rules of the index to default values. Returns ------- task_info: TaskInfo instance containing information about a task to track the progress of an asynchronous process. Raises ------ MeilisearchApiError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ task = self.http.delete( self.__settings_url_for(self.config.paths.ranking_rules), ) return TaskInfo(**task)
[docs] def get_distinct_attribute(self) -> Optional[str]: """Get distinct attribute of the index. Returns ------- settings: String containing the distinct attribute of the index. If no distinct attribute None is returned. Raises ------ MeilisearchApiError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ return self.http.get(self.__settings_url_for(self.config.paths.distinct_attribute))
[docs] def update_distinct_attribute(self, body: str) -> TaskInfo: """Update distinct attribute of the index. Parameters ---------- body: String containing the distinct attribute. Returns ------- task_info: TaskInfo instance containing information about a task to track the progress of an asynchronous process. Raises ------ MeilisearchApiError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ task = self.http.put(self.__settings_url_for(self.config.paths.distinct_attribute), body) return TaskInfo(**task)
[docs] def reset_distinct_attribute(self) -> TaskInfo: """Reset distinct attribute of the index to default values. Returns ------- task_info: TaskInfo instance containing information about a task to track the progress of an asynchronous process. Raises ------ MeilisearchApiError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ task = self.http.delete( self.__settings_url_for(self.config.paths.distinct_attribute), ) return TaskInfo(**task)
[docs] def get_searchable_attributes(self) -> List[str]: """Get searchable attributes of the index. Returns ------- settings: List containing the searchable attributes of the index. Raises ------ MeilisearchApiError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ return self.http.get(self.__settings_url_for(self.config.paths.searchable_attributes))
[docs] def update_searchable_attributes(self, body: Union[List[str], None]) -> TaskInfo: """Update searchable attributes of the index. Parameters ---------- body: List containing the searchable attributes. Returns ------- task_info: TaskInfo instance containing information about a task to track the progress of an asynchronous process. Raises ------ MeilisearchApiError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ task = self.http.put(self.__settings_url_for(self.config.paths.searchable_attributes), body) return TaskInfo(**task)
[docs] def reset_searchable_attributes(self) -> TaskInfo: """Reset searchable attributes of the index to default values. Returns ------- task_info: TaskInfo instance containing information about a task to track the progress of an asynchronous process. Raises ------ MeilisearchApiError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ task = self.http.delete( self.__settings_url_for(self.config.paths.searchable_attributes), ) return TaskInfo(**task)
[docs] def get_displayed_attributes(self) -> List[str]: """Get displayed attributes of the index. Returns ------- settings: List containing the displayed attributes of the index. Raises ------ MeilisearchApiError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ return self.http.get(self.__settings_url_for(self.config.paths.displayed_attributes))
[docs] def update_displayed_attributes(self, body: Union[List[str], None]) -> TaskInfo: """Update displayed attributes of the index. Parameters ---------- body: List containing the displayed attributes. Returns ------- task_info: TaskInfo instance containing information about a task to track the progress of an asynchronous process. Raises ------ MeilisearchApiError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ task = self.http.put(self.__settings_url_for(self.config.paths.displayed_attributes), body) return TaskInfo(**task)
[docs] def reset_displayed_attributes(self) -> TaskInfo: """Reset displayed attributes of the index to default values. Returns ------- task_info: TaskInfo instance containing information about a task to track the progress of an asynchronous process. Raises ------ MeilisearchApiError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ task = self.http.delete( self.__settings_url_for(self.config.paths.displayed_attributes), ) return TaskInfo(**task)
[docs] def get_stop_words(self) -> List[str]: """Get stop words of the index. Returns ------- settings: List containing the stop words of the index. Raises ------ MeilisearchApiError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ return self.http.get(self.__settings_url_for(self.config.paths.stop_words))
[docs] def update_stop_words(self, body: Union[List[str], None]) -> TaskInfo: """Update stop words of the index. Parameters ---------- body: list List containing the stop words. Returns ------- task_info: TaskInfo instance containing information about a task to track the progress of an asynchronous process. Raises ------ MeilisearchApiError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ task = self.http.put(self.__settings_url_for(self.config.paths.stop_words), body) return TaskInfo(**task)
[docs] def reset_stop_words(self) -> TaskInfo: """Reset stop words of the index to default values. Returns ------- task_info: TaskInfo instance containing information about a task to track the progress of an asynchronous process. Raises ------ MeilisearchApiError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ task = self.http.delete( self.__settings_url_for(self.config.paths.stop_words), ) return TaskInfo(**task)
[docs] def get_synonyms(self) -> Dict[str, List[str]]: """Get synonyms of the index. Returns ------- settings: dict Dictionary containing the synonyms of the index. Raises ------ MeilisearchApiError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ return self.http.get(self.__settings_url_for(self.config.paths.synonyms))
[docs] def update_synonyms(self, body: Union[Dict[str, List[str]], None]) -> TaskInfo: """Update synonyms of the index. Parameters ---------- body: dict Dictionary containing the synonyms. Returns ------- task_info: TaskInfo instance containing information about a task to track the progress of an asynchronous process. Raises ------ MeilisearchApiError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ task = self.http.put(self.__settings_url_for(self.config.paths.synonyms), body) return TaskInfo(**task)
[docs] def reset_synonyms(self) -> TaskInfo: """Reset synonyms of the index to default values. Returns ------- task_info: TaskInfo instance containing information about a task to track the progress of an asynchronous process. Raises ------ MeilisearchApiError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ task = self.http.delete( self.__settings_url_for(self.config.paths.synonyms), ) return TaskInfo(**task)
[docs] def get_filterable_attributes(self) -> List[str]: """Get filterable attributes of the index. Returns ------- settings: List containing the filterable attributes of the index Raises ------ MeilisearchApiError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ return self.http.get(self.__settings_url_for(self.config.paths.filterable_attributes))
[docs] def update_filterable_attributes(self, body: Union[List[str], None]) -> TaskInfo: """Update filterable attributes of the index. Parameters ---------- body: List containing the filterable attributes. Returns ------- task_info: TaskInfo instance containing information about a task to track the progress of an asynchronous process. Raises ------ MeilisearchApiError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ task = self.http.put(self.__settings_url_for(self.config.paths.filterable_attributes), body) return TaskInfo(**task)
[docs] def reset_filterable_attributes(self) -> TaskInfo: """Reset filterable attributes of the index to default values. Returns ------- task_info: TaskInfo instance containing information about a task to track the progress of an asynchronous process. Raises ------ MeilisearchApiError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ task = self.http.delete( self.__settings_url_for(self.config.paths.filterable_attributes), ) return TaskInfo(**task)
[docs] def get_sortable_attributes(self) -> List[str]: """Get sortable attributes of the index. Returns ------- settings: List containing the sortable attributes of the index Raises ------ MeilisearchApiError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ return self.http.get(self.__settings_url_for(self.config.paths.sortable_attributes))
[docs] def update_sortable_attributes(self, body: Union[List[str], None]) -> TaskInfo: """Update sortable attributes of the index. Parameters ---------- body: List containing the sortable attributes. Returns ------- task_info: TaskInfo instance containing information about a task to track the progress of an asynchronous process. Raises ------ MeilisearchApiError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ task = self.http.put(self.__settings_url_for(self.config.paths.sortable_attributes), body) return TaskInfo(**task)
[docs] def reset_sortable_attributes(self) -> TaskInfo: """Reset sortable attributes of the index to default values. Returns ------- task_info: TaskInfo instance containing information about a task to track the progress of an asynchronous process. Raises ------ MeilisearchApiError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ task = self.http.delete( self.__settings_url_for(self.config.paths.sortable_attributes), ) return TaskInfo(**task)
[docs] def get_typo_tolerance(self) -> TypoTolerance: """Get typo tolerance of the index. Returns ------- settings: The typo tolerance settings of the index. Raises ------ MeilisearchApiError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ typo_tolerance = self.http.get(self.__settings_url_for(self.config.paths.typo_tolerance)) return TypoTolerance(**typo_tolerance)
[docs] def update_typo_tolerance(self, body: Union[Mapping[str, Any], None]) -> TaskInfo: """Update typo tolerance of the index. Parameters ---------- body: dict Dictionary containing the typo tolerance. Returns ------- task_info: TaskInfo instance containing information about a task to track the progress of an asynchronous process. Raises ------ MeilisearchApiError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ task = self.http.patch(self.__settings_url_for(self.config.paths.typo_tolerance), body) return TaskInfo(**task)
[docs] def reset_typo_tolerance(self) -> TaskInfo: """Reset typo tolerance of the index to default values. Returns ------- task_info: TaskInfo instance containing information about a task to track the progress of an asynchronous process. Raises ------ MeilisearchApiError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ task = self.http.delete( self.__settings_url_for(self.config.paths.typo_tolerance), ) return TaskInfo(**task)
[docs] def get_pagination_settings(self) -> Pagination: """Get pagination settngs of the index. Returns ------- settings: The pagination settings of the index. Raises ------ MeilisearchApiError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ pagination = self.http.get(self.__settings_url_for(self.config.paths.pagination)) return Pagination(**pagination)
[docs] def update_pagination_settings(self, body: Union[Dict[str, Any], None]) -> TaskInfo: """Update the pagination settings of the index. Parameters ---------- body: dict Dictionary containing the pagination settings. Returns ------- task_info: TaskInfo instance containing information about a task to track the progress of an asynchronous process. Raises ------ MeilisearchApiError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ task = self.http.patch( path=self.__settings_url_for(self.config.paths.pagination), body=body ) return TaskInfo(**task)
[docs] def reset_pagination_settings(self) -> TaskInfo: """Reset pagination settings of the index to default values. Returns ------- task_info: TaskInfo instance containing information about a task to track the progress of an asynchronous process. Raises ------ MeilisearchApiError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ task = self.http.delete(self.__settings_url_for(self.config.paths.pagination)) return TaskInfo(**task)
[docs] def get_faceting_settings(self) -> Faceting: """Get the faceting settings of an index. Returns ------- settings: The faceting settings of the index. Raises ------ MeilisearchApiError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ faceting = self.http.get(self.__settings_url_for(self.config.paths.faceting)) return Faceting(**faceting)
[docs] def update_faceting_settings(self, body: Union[Mapping[str, Any], None]) -> TaskInfo: """Update the faceting settings of the index. Parameters ---------- body: dict Dictionary containing the faceting settings. Returns ------- task_info: TaskInfo instance containing information about a task to track the progress of an asynchronous process. Raises ------ MeilisearchApiError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ task = self.http.patch(path=self.__settings_url_for(self.config.paths.faceting), body=body) return TaskInfo(**task)
[docs] def reset_faceting_settings(self) -> TaskInfo: """Reset faceting settings of the index to default values. Returns ------- task_info: TaskInfo instance containing information about a task to track the progress of an asynchronous process. Raises ------ MeilisearchApiError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ task = self.http.delete(self.__settings_url_for(self.config.paths.faceting)) return TaskInfo(**task)
[docs] def get_dictionary(self) -> List[str]: """Get the dictionary entries of the index. Returns ------- settings: List containing the dictionary entries of the index. Raises ------ MeilisearchApiError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ return self.http.get(self.__settings_url_for(self.config.paths.dictionary))
[docs] def update_dictionary(self, body: Union[List[str], None]) -> TaskInfo: """Update the dictionary of the index. Parameters ---------- body: List of the new dictionary entries. Returns ------- task_info: TaskInfo instance containing information about a task to track the progress of an asynchronous process. Raises ------ MeilisearchApiError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ task = self.http.put(self.__settings_url_for(self.config.paths.dictionary), body) return TaskInfo(**task)
[docs] def reset_dictionary(self) -> TaskInfo: """Clear all entries in dictionary Returns ------- task_info: TaskInfo instance containing information about a task to track the progress of an asynchronous process. Raises ------ MeilisearchApiError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ task = self.http.delete( self.__settings_url_for(self.config.paths.dictionary), ) return TaskInfo(**task)
[docs] def get_separator_tokens(self) -> List[str]: """Get the additional text separator tokens set on this index. Returns ------- settings: List containing the separator tokens of the index. Raises ------ MeilisearchApiError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ return self.http.get(self.__settings_url_for(self.config.paths.separator_tokens))
[docs] def get_non_separator_tokens(self) -> List[str]: """Get the list of disabled text separator tokens on this index. Returns ------- settings: List containing the disabled separator tokens of the index. Raises ------ MeilisearchApiError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ return self.http.get(self.__settings_url_for(self.config.paths.non_separator_tokens))
[docs] def update_separator_tokens(self, body: Union[List[str], None]) -> TaskInfo: """Update the additional separator tokens of the index. Parameters ---------- body: List of the new separator tokens. Returns ------- task_info: TaskInfo instance containing information about a task to track the progress of an asynchronous process. Raises ------ MeilisearchApiError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ task = self.http.put(self.__settings_url_for(self.config.paths.separator_tokens), body) return TaskInfo(**task)
[docs] def update_non_separator_tokens(self, body: Union[List[str], None]) -> TaskInfo: """Update the disabled separator tokens of the index. Parameters ---------- body: List of the newly disabled separator tokens. Returns ------- task_info: TaskInfo instance containing information about a task to track the progress of an asynchronous process. Raises ------ MeilisearchApiError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ task = self.http.put(self.__settings_url_for(self.config.paths.non_separator_tokens), body) return TaskInfo(**task)
[docs] def reset_separator_tokens(self) -> TaskInfo: """Clear all additional separator tokens Returns ------- task_info: TaskInfo instance containing information about a task to track the progress of an asynchronous process. Raises ------ MeilisearchApiError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ task = self.http.delete( self.__settings_url_for(self.config.paths.separator_tokens), ) return TaskInfo(**task)
[docs] def reset_non_separator_tokens(self) -> TaskInfo: """Clear all disabled separator tokens Returns ------- task_info: TaskInfo instance containing information about a task to track the progress of an asynchronous process. Raises ------ MeilisearchApiError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ task = self.http.delete( self.__settings_url_for(self.config.paths.non_separator_tokens), ) return TaskInfo(**task)
[docs] def get_embedders(self) -> Embedders | None: """Get embedders of the index. Returns ------- settings: The embedders settings of the index. Raises ------ MeilisearchApiError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ response = self.http.get(self.__settings_url_for(self.config.paths.embedders)) if not response: return None embedders: dict[str, OpenAiEmbedder | HuggingFaceEmbedder | UserProvidedEmbedder] = {} for k, v in response.items(): if v.get("source") == "openAi": embedders[k] = OpenAiEmbedder(**v) elif v.get("source") == "huggingFace": embedders[k] = HuggingFaceEmbedder(**v) else: embedders[k] = UserProvidedEmbedder(**v) return Embedders(embedders=embedders)
[docs] def update_embedders(self, body: Union[MutableMapping[str, Any], None]) -> TaskInfo: """Update embedders of the index. Parameters ---------- body: dict Dictionary containing the embedders. Returns ------- task_info: TaskInfo instance containing information about a task to track the progress of an asynchronous process. Raises ------ MeilisearchApiError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ if body: for _, v in body.items(): if "documentTemplateMaxBytes" in v and v["documentTemplateMaxBytes"] is None: del v["documentTemplateMaxBytes"] task = self.http.patch(self.__settings_url_for(self.config.paths.embedders), body) return TaskInfo(**task)
[docs] def reset_embedders(self) -> TaskInfo: """Reset embedders of the index to default values. Returns ------- task_info: TaskInfo instance containing information about a task to track the progress of an asynchronous process. Raises ------ MeilisearchApiError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ task = self.http.delete( self.__settings_url_for(self.config.paths.embedders), ) return TaskInfo(**task)
[docs] def get_search_cutoff_ms(self) -> int | None: """Get the search cutoff in ms of the index. Returns ------- settings: Integer value of search cutoff in ms of the index. Raises ------ MeilisearchApiError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ return self.http.get(self.__settings_url_for(self.config.paths.search_cutoff_ms))
[docs] def update_search_cutoff_ms(self, body: Union[int, None]) -> TaskInfo: """Update the search cutoff in ms of the index. Parameters ---------- body: Integer value of the search cutoff time in ms. Returns ------- task_info: TaskInfo instance containing information about a task to track the progress of an asynchronous process. Raises ------ MeilisearchApiError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ task = self.http.put(self.__settings_url_for(self.config.paths.search_cutoff_ms), body) return TaskInfo(**task)
[docs] def reset_search_cutoff_ms(self) -> TaskInfo: """Reset the search cutoff of the index Returns ------- task_info: TaskInfo instance containing information about a task to track the progress of an asynchronous process. Raises ------ MeilisearchApiError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ task = self.http.delete( self.__settings_url_for(self.config.paths.search_cutoff_ms), ) return TaskInfo(**task)
[docs] def get_proximity_precision(self) -> ProximityPrecision: """Get the proximity_precision of the index. Returns ------- settings: proximity_precision of the index. Raises ------ MeilisearchApiError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ response = self.http.get(self.__settings_url_for(self.config.paths.proximity_precision)) return ProximityPrecision[to_snake(response).upper()]
[docs] def update_proximity_precision(self, body: Union[ProximityPrecision, None]) -> TaskInfo: """Update the proximity_precision of the index. Parameters ---------- body: proximity_precision Returns ------- task_info: TaskInfo instance containing information about a task to track the progress of an asynchronous process. Raises ------ MeilisearchApiError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ task = self.http.put(self.__settings_url_for(self.config.paths.proximity_precision), body) return TaskInfo(**task)
[docs] def reset_proximity_precision(self) -> TaskInfo: """Reset the proximity_precision of the index Returns ------- task_info: TaskInfo instance containing information about a task to track the progress of an asynchronous process. Raises ------ MeilisearchApiError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ task = self.http.delete( self.__settings_url_for(self.config.paths.proximity_precision), ) return TaskInfo(**task)
[docs] def get_localized_attributes(self) -> Union[List[LocalizedAttributes], None]: """Get the localized_attributes of the index. Returns ------- settings: localized_attributes of the index. Raises ------ MeilisearchApiError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ response = self.http.get(self.__settings_url_for(self.config.paths.localized_attributes)) if not response: return None return [LocalizedAttributes(**attrs) for attrs in response]
[docs] def update_localized_attributes( self, body: Union[List[Mapping[str, List[str]]], None] ) -> TaskInfo: """Update the localized_attributes of the index. Parameters ---------- body: localized_attributes Returns ------- task_info: TaskInfo instance containing information about a task to track the progress of an asynchronous process. Raises ------ MeilisearchApiError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ task = self.http.put(self.__settings_url_for(self.config.paths.localized_attributes), body) return TaskInfo(**task)
[docs] def reset_localized_attributes(self) -> TaskInfo: """Reset the localized_attributes of the index Returns ------- task_info: TaskInfo instance containing information about a task to track the progress of an asynchronous process. Raises ------ MeilisearchApiError An error containing details about why Meilisearch can't process your request. Meilisearch error codes are described here: """ task = self.http.delete( self.__settings_url_for(self.config.paths.localized_attributes), ) return TaskInfo(**task)
@staticmethod def _batch( documents: Sequence[Mapping[str, Any]], batch_size: int ) -> Generator[Sequence[Mapping[str, Any]], None, None]: total_len = len(documents) for i in range(0, total_len, batch_size): yield documents[i : i + batch_size] def __settings_url_for(self, sub_route: str) -> str: return f"{self.config.paths.index}/{self.uid}/{self.config.paths.setting}/{sub_route}" def _build_url( self, primary_key: Optional[str] = None, csv_delimiter: Optional[str] = None, ) -> str: parameters = {} if primary_key: parameters["primaryKey"] = primary_key if csv_delimiter: parameters["csvDelimiter"] = csv_delimiter if primary_key is None and csv_delimiter is None: return f"{self.config.paths.index}/{self.uid}/{self.config.paths.document}" return f"{self.config.paths.index}/{self.uid}/{self.config.paths.document}?{parse.urlencode(parameters)}"